My name is Adriana Fontes, I am a 25 years old Master in Molecular Biotechnology, degree conducted at the University of Aveiro, Portugal and at the University of Studies of Rome, “La Sapienza”, in Italy. In my Master thesis with the title: “Mitochondrial defects in proteasome and COP9 mutants” I worked on the catalytic subunit of the COP9 signalosome, a conserved protein complex involved in the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, in yeast. All my master thesis work took place at the Charles Darwin Department of Biology and Biotecnhology at “La Sapienza”. After my graduation, I worked at the Institute of Education and Citizenship (IEC), placed in Mamarrosa, Portugal. At IEC I developed my teaching skills as a monitor in advance science courses for primary, middle and secondary students in Physics, Chemistry and Biology areas. At the same time, i worked in the IEC laboratory testing the toxicity of synthetic cannabinoids (XLR11 and 5F-PB-22) in neuronal, hepatic and cardiac cell lines.
Summary of ESR Project
This project focuses on the positive impact of mushrooms in diet and how they can alleviate the disease phenotype through the improvement of mitochondrial metabolism. The mushrooms are valuable components in diet because they are rich in vitamins, proteins and fiber, and poor in fat and calories.
Dr. Hans Zischka (HMGU, Germany)
Dr. Anabela Marisa Azul (CNC. Portugal)
Dr. Paulo Oliveira (CNC, Portugal)
Dr. Mariuz Wieckowski (NENCKI, Poland)