Work Packages

Work Package 1: Ethics requirement

Work Package Leader:  Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC, Portugal)

This work package sets out the 'ethics requirements' that the project must comply with.

Work Package 2: Mitochondrial disruption in NAFLD

Work Package Leader: Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC, Portugal)

WP2 will promote cross-pollination of knowledge between mitochondrial physiology, liver metabolic flux control and oxidative stress and deepen our insight on how mitochondrial damage disrupts the control of hepatic glucose and lipid fluxes. Three host institutions are involved in WP2 (NENCKI, CNR and INSERM), since they have the necessary expertise, training experience and technology needed for the three projects.

ESR 1 - ESR 2 - ESR 3

Work Package 3:  The gut-liver axis in NAFLD metabolic remodelling

Work Package Leader: National Research Council (CNR, Italy)

WP3 will investigate the role of intestinal factors in NAFLD/NASH development.  Intestinal factors include alterations in intestinal microbiota species and metabolic activities that lead to dysbiosis with host colonocytes and compromised intestinal barrier function as well as alterations in intestinal endocrine factors that adversely influence hepatic metabolic control.  These objectives have been distributed between three ESR projects that combine observational studies in both mouse models and NAFLD patients with interventional studies in animal models. Three host institutions are involved in WP3(CNC, IPHYS and CNR).


Work Package 4: Biomarkers and technologies for NAFLD stratification

Work Package Leader: University of Bari Aldo Moro (UNIBA, Italy)

WP4 objectives are to identify noninvasive biomarkers that predict susceptibility to hepatic mitochondrial oxidative damage and energetic insufficiency and inform the efficacy of dietary and/or pharmacological interventions for enhancing hepatic mitochondrial function and capacity or the possible clinical outcome of hepatectomy. Host institutions are involved in WP4 are (UNIBA, FFUL, IIBB).

ESR 7 - ESR 8 - ESR 9

Work Package 5: Lifestyles targeting NAFLD

Work Package Leader: University of Bari Aldo Moro (UNIBA, Italy)

The objective of WP5 is to demonstrate that a change in lifestyle, i.e. promoting physical activity or a change in diet to a Mediterranean type or rich in mushroom extracts improves the NAFLD phenotype. This will be achieved with research on: the effect that regular physical activity may have in the metabolic and mitochondrial profile of NAFLD animal models, dietary changes as a therapeutical approach, as well as use of a mouse model of NAFLD to demonstrate that a diet rich in Panellus serotinus improves mitochondrial function, reduces oxidative stress and lipotoxicity. Three host institutions are involved in WP5 (UPORTO, UNIBA, HMGU).

ESR 10 - ESR 11 - ESR 12

Work Package 6: Outreach: De-fatting for better living

Work Package Leader: Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC, Portugal)

The objective of WP6 is to set up participative research and dialogue from basic science to society, including clinical and patient association intersections and to safeguard the effective outreach within the network and the extensive dissemination of FOIE GRAS results across academic and non-academic sectors, including policy makers and the general public.  WP6 provides the structure to deliver several initiatives: launching a website targeting general public, production of animation and cartoons, nutritional versus exercise lifestyle education to the general public and patients, public health initiatives trough physical activity involving adults and children, public awareness in sports, press releases and press conferences, Researcher’s Night-like events, etc.

ESR 13

Work Package 7:  Training and Management

Work Package Leader: Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC, Portugal)

WP7 establishes a comprehensive FOIE GRAS coordination and management through careful planning and internal communication procedures. It will monitor the progress of each WP and organisation of meetings of the Supervisory Board and Management Board in FOIE GRAS project.