Three ESRs have already complete their PhD!!

Yesterday, Tawhidul Islam (ESR 8) from FFUL (PT) has concluded his PhD in Pharmacy, with a specialization in Biochemistry, joining the two other ESRs (Inês Mateus and Emilio Molina Molina) who have already completed this … Read more

Secondment Tawhidul Isam (ESR8) at CNC, Portugal

Tawhidul Islam (ESR8)  doing his PhD at FFUL, for two months is working at UC Biotech, where he will be analyzing  mitochondrial energy metabolism and mitochondrial respiratory function of steatotic murine hepatocytes.

16th Portuguese Congress for Diabetes, Vilamoura, Portugal

FOIE GRAS CNC team was present at the 16th Portuguese Congress for Diabetes, which was held on 6-8 March 2020 at Vilamoura, Portugal. Mireia Alemany (ESR13) poster presentation: “T2DM Disease Knowledge and Self-management Insights from Qualitative … Read more

Secondment Ines Simoes (ESR1) at UPorto, Portugal

Inês Simões (ESR1) doing her Ph.D. at the Nencki Institute started her three months secondment at Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, the University of Porto, where she is working under the supervision of Dr. Fernanda Borges. During … Read more

Secondment Sara Guerra (ESR2), CNC, Portugal

Sara Guerra (ERS2) doing her PhD research project at CNR, Italy under the guidance of  Dr. Amalia Gastaldelli, performed two weeks secondment at UC Biocant, CNC Portugal. At CNC she was working with Dr. John Jones. During … Read more