Yesterday, Tawhidul Islam (ESR 8) from FFUL (PT) has concluded his PhD in Pharmacy, with a specialization in Biochemistry, joining the two other ESRs (Inês Mateus and Emilio Molina Molina) who have already completed this important milestone!
During his research project, Tawhidul Islam studied the role of cell death linked to mitochondrial bioenergetic and metabolic function in human and experimental NAFLD and NASH, and evaluated the therapeutic relevance of multiple targeting approaches in the resolution of the disease.
As intrahepatic H2S levels can also be controlled by its mitochondrial oxidation, Inês Mateus (ESR 3) from INSERM (FR) investigated the pathophysiological importance of this pathway in liver metabolism and in the development of NAFLD., whereas Emilio Molina Molina (ESR 7) from UNIBA (IT) studied baseline differences between NAFLD patients and healthy subjects, as well as adherence to healthy lifestyles (i.e., Mediterranean diet and physical activity) in NAFLD patients after six months of lifestyle intervention.
Congratulations to all, it was a great pleasure to have you all on the FOIE GRAS team!!
We wish you a lot of success in the coming professional challenges.