Jelena was born and raised in Serbia. She graduated from the Faculty of Biology in Belgrade, Serbia, in 2013. As a student, she was active as a guide in the Botanical garden in Belgrade. During the last year of her undergraduate studies, she volunteered in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Endocrinology of the Institute for Nuclear Sciences “Vinča” in Belgrade. Her research at the same institute in the following year resulted in her master thesis “Effect of olanzapine on glutathione-dependent defense system in liver of chronically isolated rats”. Jelena obtained her master’s degree in Experimental physiology at the Faculty of Biology in Belgrade in 2014. During her master studies, she was awarded the national scholarship for outstandingly talented students. From 2015 to 2017, she worked as a research trainee at the Department of Molecular Biology of the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković” in Belgrade.
Summary of ESR Project
This project aims to determine the physical exercise regimen (voluntary vs. endurance) is more effective in reducing the Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease phenotype in human patients and in a high-fat diet mouse model. The research will include methodologies associated with patient data analysis, analytical detection of plasma markers in both humans and animal models and mitochondrial analysis in isolated hepatic fractions from the animal models.
Dr. José Magalhães
Dr. Piero Portincasa
Dr. Martin Winter
University of Bari Aldo Moro (UNIBA), Italy
microBiolytics, Germany