The FOIE GRAS project had a stand at the “Improving health and wealth through innovation” meeting organized by the Health Cluster Portugal (HCP) under the series called HCP’s meetings with health innovation. This event took place the last 29th of March in Porto, Portugal. The HCP is a private non-profit association that aims at bringing together all kind of institutions to develop health initiatives and solutions to improve human health and wellbeing. The roundtables at the event were:
- Talking innovation out of the lab: How can open innovation and open science help to boost translational and clinical research?
- Bringing innovation to the market: Can technology procurement and assessment become more innovation-friendly?
- Delivering innovation to users: How to take the most from digital innovation, big data and real world data to improve health and care?
Given the translational nature of the FOIE GRAS network and its intention to engage all the health sector players, from policy makers to industry and academia; this was a wonderful opportunity to be involved in the discussion and introduce the project to the industry and the health sector agencies.
More information here.